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Having a dental extraction what should I expect?

May 28, 2021

Dental extraction is a dental procedure where a tooth that’s causing agony and issues gets extracted from its place in the bone. While many patients need the procedure performed, it’s very rare they know very much about it. To understand the facts about dental extraction, take a glance at this helpful guide.

There are a few different reasons why dentists advise this procedure. The most common is when a tooth is impacted, which stops it from growing normally. This is the reason why many dentists recommend wisdom teeth extraction. Another is the need to make room in the mouth for suitable alignment. And another can be when teeth that are badly decayed and impossible to restore.

How do you know if you need a dental extraction? I advise you to come into our office for an initial dental exam to evaluate your overall gum and teeth health. If our team of dentists suggests a dental extraction, have the procedure done as soon as you can. Delaying the dental extraction can cause discomfort, infection, and misalignment. And if your wisdom teeth are impacted, the only way to avoid agony is wisdom teeth removal.

Our team will X-ray the area to decide the next course of  treatment you will need. You’ll also be asked for your dental and medical history, along with a list of medications and allergies, to avoid any complications. If the tooth is completely exposed, then your dentist will perform the procedure with a local anesthesia. But if the tooth has broken or not fully emerged, you’ll be referred to an oral surgeon for a surgical tooth extraction with a much stronger anesthesia. If you need to be given this deep anesthesia, carefully follow the surgeon’s instructions about eating and drinking before surgery. And arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

Once the dental extraction is complete, expect to encounter some slight swelling and pain. The swelling is completely normal and actually part of the healing process, but you can reduce it by placing ice packs on top of the swollen areas. If your jaw is stiff once the swelling subsides, use a warm compact to relieve the soreness. Be conscious that a surgical dental extraction is more painful than a simple extraction. After all, there is much more involved in removing the tooth. You may be given pain medication for the few days after treatment, but the pain should diminish very soon after.

In the first few days after the surgery, you’ll need to be careful with how you treat the wound. Choose softer foods that are easy to chew and add firmer foods as you feel more comfortable. And don’t smoke or use a straw. With dental care, be extremely gentle when brushing near the area of extraction. Also, avoid intense exercise for a week after surgery to allow for proper healing.

Initial healing takes up to two to three weeks, but it typically takes three to six months for the bone and soft tissue to be fully restructured. And throughout the recovery process, be sure to follow your dentist’s directions to avoid any difficulties that could impede your recovery and overall health.

Posted in Uncategorized by Dr. Gregory Hurt DDS

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