Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla.
Quisque in nulla ut metus cursus commodo non vitae nibh. Curabitur euismod sem vel velit blandit, sit amet molestie sapien pulvinar.
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla. Nam at justo eget nulla dictum vehicula. Nulla ac mi adipiscing, elementum ligula at, ultrices mauris. Nullam nec tortor mauris. Quisque sollicitudin metus quis tempor congue. Mauris sit amet tincidunt purus, id eleifend orci. Maecenas vel elit at dui condimentum lobortis in sed eros. Morbi iaculis euismod felis in pulvinar. Praesent sagittis elementum velit nec dictum. Donec bibendum varius ipsum, ac pretium metus vehicula eu. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non ornare elementum. Mauris ultrices posuere diam sit amet consectetur. Quisque eget elit quis sapien interdum mattis. Aenean commodo pharetra mauris a fermentum. Sed mattis sit amet risus a feugiat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliqup ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla.
Quisque in nulla ut metus cursus commodo non vitae nibh. Curabitur euismod sem vel velit blandit, sit amet molestie sapien pulvinar.
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla. Nam at justo eget nulla dictum vehicula. Nulla ac mi adipiscing, elementum ligula at, ultrices mauris. Nullam nec tortor mauris. Quisque sollicitudin metus quis tempor congue. Mauris sit amet tincidunt purus, id eleifend orci. Maecenas vel elit at dui condimentum lobortis in sed eros. Morbi iaculis euismod felis in pulvinar. Praesent sagittis elementum velit nec dictum. Donec bibendum varius ipsum, ac pretium metus vehicula eu. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non ornare elementum. Mauris ultrices posuere diam sit amet consectetur. Quisque eget elit quis sapien interdum mattis. Aenean commodo pharetra mauris a fermentum. Sed mattis sit amet risus a feugiat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliqup ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla.
Quisque in nulla ut metus cursus commodo non vitae nibh. Curabitur euismod sem vel velit blandit, sit amet molestie sapien pulvinar.
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla. Nam at justo eget nulla dictum vehicula. Nulla ac mi adipiscing, elementum ligula at, ultrices mauris. Nullam nec tortor mauris. Quisque sollicitudin metus quis tempor congue. Mauris sit amet tincidunt purus, id eleifend orci. Maecenas vel elit at dui condimentum lobortis in sed eros. Morbi iaculis euismod felis in pulvinar. Praesent sagittis elementum velit nec dictum. Donec bibendum varius ipsum, ac pretium metus vehicula eu. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non ornare elementum. Mauris ultrices posuere diam sit amet consectetur. Quisque eget elit quis sapien interdum mattis. Aenean commodo pharetra mauris a fermentum. Sed mattis sit amet risus a feugiat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliqup ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious.
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla.
Quisque in nulla ut metus cursus commodo non vitae nibh. Curabitur euismod sem vel velit blandit, sit amet molestie sapien pulvinar.
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla. Nam at justo eget nulla dictum vehicula. Nulla ac mi adipiscing, elementum ligula at, ultrices mauris. Nullam nec tortor mauris. Quisque sollicitudin metus quis tempor congue. Mauris sit amet tincidunt purus, id eleifend orci. Maecenas vel elit at dui condimentum lobortis in sed eros. Morbi iaculis euismod felis in pulvinar. Praesent sagittis elementum velit nec dictum. Donec bibendum varius ipsum, ac pretium metus vehicula eu. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non ornare elementum. Mauris ultrices posuere diam sit amet consectetur. Quisque eget elit quis sapien interdum mattis. Aenean commodo pharetra mauris a fermentum. Sed mattis sit amet risus a feugiat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliqup ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
Your Mouthwash Can Give You High Blood Pressure!
In the past the presence and metabolic activities of oral bacteria has been traditionally associated with negative health effects ranging from bad breath and cavities to more serious gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis as well as contributing to cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, new studies are beginning to show that certain amounts of bacteria present in our mouths are actually beneficial to our health. In fact, these bacteria may be a prime source in the process of converting nitrogen containing compounds back into nitric oxide in our blood which causes our blood smooth muscle to relax and lower our blood pressure.
Recently, groups of researchers from the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet of Stockhom, Sweden studied the effects of using a popular mouthwash prescribed by oral clinicians to drastically reduce and control the population of natural oral bacteria in their subjects mouths. Since the presence of oral bacteria is crucial in the initial step of converting nitrogen compounds into nitric oxide in our bodies, this greatly reduced the amount of nitric oxide. All these test subjects were healthy, non-smoking, disease free individuals who were placed on controlled healthy diets with low nitric acid producing foods. Each subject used the antiseptic mouthwash twice-daily.
The results were AMAZING and a little disconcerting. After just 7 days, their urinary and plasma nitrogen levels were reduced significantly, and their oral nitrogen levels decreased almost 90%. More importantly, their blood pressures (both systolic and diastolic) went up on an average of 3.3 mmHg and 2.2 mmHg respectively related to their drop in nitrogen levels,. A direct cause and effect was drawn between the decrease in the presence of salivary nitrogen compounds, causing a decrease amount of circulating nitrogen compounds which in turn caused a decrease in the amount of nitric oxide available to the body, and thus, increased the test subjects blood pressures.
This study was a small study, but the results were dramatic and to be sure, future testing with larger groups will be necessary to clarify the relationship of blood pressure to the amount and type of bacteria in our mouths. What one should do is beware of using mouthwashes on a daily basis to the point where it completely eliminates the “natural” balance in your mouth. As dentists we prescribe certain mouthwashes regularly for our patients with gum disease (periodontal disease) because the threat of heart attack or stroke is serious. However, for the majority of our patients, brushing and flossing with “periodic” use of mouthwashes appears to be the better regimen at the present time. BUT… we’ll keep you posted if anything new develops to change this. As for which mouthwash, stay away from those with “Alcohol’ because of its carcinogenic potential.
In Service to Our Community,
Dr. Gregory A. Hurt and Staff at the San Marcos Dental Center (760) 734-4311
Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla.
Quisque in nulla ut metus cursus commodo non vitae nibh. Curabitur euismod sem vel velit blandit, sit amet molestie sapien pulvinar. Aenean molestie faucibus fringilla. Nam at justo eget nulla dictum vehicula. Nulla ac mi adipiscing, elementum ligula at, ultrices mauris. Nullam nec tortor mauris. Quisque sollicitudin metus quis tempor congue. Mauris sit amet tincidunt purus, id eleifend orci. Maecenas vel elit at dui condimentum lobortis in sed eros. Morbi iaculis euismod felis in pulvinar. Praesent sagittis elementum velit nec dictum.
Donec bibendum varius ipsum, ac pretium metus vehicula eu. Suspendisse vestibulum velit non ornare elementum. Mauris ultrices posuere diam sit amet consectetur. Quisque eget elit quis sapien interdum mattis. Aenean commodo pharetra mauris a fermentum. Sed mattis sit amet risus a feugiat.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliqup ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
We are offering a special for a WHITER, BRIGHTER SMILE for this month!
Purchase one office bleaching procedure for $199 and a get a 2nd one FREE… Treat yourself or your sweet heart!
Single Bleaching procedures available at Special Rates
-Call for more details 760-734-4311
Everyone loves a bright white smile, and there are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours! The best place to start is with a healthy mouth.
Begin with a Dental Checkup
Your dentist can diagnose and treat any pressing oral health conditions and determine which whitening procedure will work for you. Once the dentist determines the reason for discoloration – injury, food or tobacco stains, childhood or teen antibiotics – a suitable whitening method can be selected. Without this you could be wasting time and money using whitening products that aren’t effective for your kind of stain.

Logo for Sinsational Smile, our in-house teeth whitening system
Have Your Whitening Done in a Clean and Safe Environment
Teeth whitening chemicals if not applied properly can damage your teeth and gums resulting in burns or infections, and “kiosk” whitenings are done by people wearing “scrubs” or laboratory coats who are made to look like “health care professionals”, but aren’t. Dental offices use licensed professionals and strict disinfection protocol including washing hands, changing examination gloves and disinfecting work surfaces after each patient.
Choosing the Right Procedure
There are three ways to whiten your smile: 1)Chairside Bleaching, 2) At–Home Bleaching and 3) Whitening Toothpastes. After examination, your dentist will offer you the option of either 1 or 2 because the 3rd choice, Whitening toothpastes are not as effective but are frequently prescribed as an after treatment way of maintaining your whiteness.
Teeth Whitening via Chairside Bleaching
This treatment uses a concentrated form of peroxide and requires the application of a “rubber shield” to protect your soft tissues (lips, gums, etc.) prior to active whitening. A special light and/or laser will be used to enhance the whitening process (i.e. Zoom Whitening Systems). Chairside Bleaching has the advantage of allowing multiple applications to remove the more stubborn stains in your mouth.
Teeth Whitening via At-Home Bleaching
These products are gels or strips containing different concentrations of carbamide peroxide (10%, 16%, 22%). The gels are most effective and used with custom-fitted mouth guards which hold the gels against the teeth while during whitening. Usually they are worn overnight for 1-2 weeks. They are less concentrated than the Chairside gels and usually don’t cause as much irritation, but the process for whitening does take longer. The percentage of gel selected depends on many factors including the type of stain being removed, the thickness of your enamel, the condition of your gums, and the “color” of your teeth just to name a few.
For Best Results – Have a cleaning before your whitening. You’ll have a Brighter Whiter Smile!
Here are San Marcos Dental Center we are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website at! Developed by Datagonia Web Solutions, the new website will accompany a marked increase in our social media activity as well as regular announcements about the procedures and services available at San Marcos Dental Center that we provide. Our patients are acquiring more and more information about their health from the world wide web and we are looking to help assist them as they pursue a healthier and brighter smile.
We plan on using the improved website to make regular announcements and specials, so please stay tuned and consider hitting the “Like” button on our Facebook page as we finish up 2013 and step in to a brand new year!
Teeth that are not aligned properly in your mouth create what dentists call “malocclusion.” Left untreated, malocclusion can lead to Periodontal Disease and create abnormal amounts of stress on your teeth and jaws, leading to premature wear and tooth loss. At the San Marcos Dental Center we use Clear Aligners by Invisalign to straighten teeth, preventing this from happening!