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November 7, 2021

Do cosmetic veneers damage your teeth?

No matter how familiar you are with cosmetic dentistry, you will always have questions about a dental procedure you might be interested in. One of the most frequently asked questions we receive here at San Marcos Dental Center about porcelain veneers is if they ruin your teeth.  As one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments, we receive this question quite often. Simply put, the answer is no. Porcelain veneers don’t ruin your teeth. Our cosmetic dentists are here to help you understand the porcelain veneers procedure better!

What are Cosmetic Veneers?

Before we get into the specifics about how cosmetic veneers affect your teeth, we thought it would aid our patients to understand exactly what cosmetic veneers are. Cosmetic veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that we shape to go over the front of your teeth. They can shape or color the veneers however we need to provide you with the results you fancy. Typically these thin sheets of porcelain last for as long as ten years before you need to replace them with a new set.  In the years that you have them, your smile will look stunning day after day!

How do cosmetic veneers?

Cosmetic veneers do not damage your teeth in any way as long as you see a qualified cosmetic dentist like ours at San Marcos Dental Center. The first step to providing our patients with cosmetic veneers includes taking x-rays to make sure your teeth are healthy and free of tooth decay. Sometimes we may need to treat your teeth before we can begin your treatment.

Once your teeth are healthy and ready to go, we need to prep your teeth. To prep your teeth for porcelain veneers, we must first remove a thin layer of your enamel to make room for the veneers. Although this might sound harmful to your teeth, it’s not because we’re bonding veneers over your teeth. Your teeth will have even more protection than before and not experience staining like with natural teeth. We then use a special bonding cement to bond the veneer to your teeth. The bonding material is completely safe and does not harm your teeth. This simple procedure provides you with beautiful results that provide your teeth with protection and prevent stains. Over the next decade, you will enjoy your beautiful porcelain veneers. Eventually, you will need to replace them with a new set so they stay looking amazing, but regardless of how many veneers you have over the years, you won’t ruin your teeth. Your teeth are still safe and protected underneath the veneers.

Posted in Uncategorized by Dr. Gregory Hurt DDS

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